On May 5, 2014 11:36 AM, "Stephan Beal" <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I mean ‘where 1’, or ‘where ‘1 - 1’, or ‘where null’, or ‘where 0 / 0’,
> > any of this nonsense. There is nothing to compare. It’s nonsensical.
> Oh, but there is: 1-1 is an expression, the result of which is integer 0
> (as opposed to string '0'), which, in all programming environments except,
> IIRC, Xenix, is boolean false. In fact, the sqlite shell makes a handy ad
> hoc calculator for exactly that purpose:
> sqlite> select 1-1;
> 0
> sqlite> select typeof(1-1);
> integer

I personally have no problem with SQLite's implicit conversion between
types, but I can appreciate why it would frustrate some people because no
other SQL parser I have tested (1 oracle, 2 SQL Server, and 2 or more of
MySQL and PostgreSQL) allows that construct, generating errors due to an
incorrect expression or some such.

That being said, SQLite already deviates from "tradition" in many respects.
Given its origin as a C library to provide small fast database access, it
makes perfect sense to me why it works this way. Of things that could be
improved, this particular syntax checking issue is no where near the top of
my list (or would not be if I had such a list).

What I really want is a SQL variant that reads my mind via a DWIM
interface. "Do What I Mean" is a powerful paradigm, and DRH is just the guy
to deliver it! ;)
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