On 2014/05/05 20:46, Petite Abeille wrote:
On May 5, 2014, at 8:21 PM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

the idea that introducing more complication will make erros/bugs less is just 
Straw man argument, unrelated to the topic at hand.

Je suis desole mon ami... That comment was not regarding the topic at hand, it was with regard to a dissertation about the perceived vs. actual value of increased complexity. The paragraph after that was more to the topic, and if I'm not mistaken, I did say the complaint was valid.

This new post however makes me regret it though, because this argument is baseless - what do you mean to try and point out with these errors vs. non-errors?

the "is" operators takes 2 operands same as the Equal "=" operator in that it needs to compare two operands such as "a is b" in the same way that "a = b" works, so that when you say:
"WHERE is null"
It really means the same as:
"WHERE = null" which is just silly and therefore errors out. The fact it sounds grammatically workable in English is a coincidence, albeit an irrelevant one.

It is very very different to saying:
"WHERE Null"
"WHERE 1-1"

How is this confusing you, or more importantly, how do you imagine changing it would solve a real SQL problem as opposed to a perceived one, and if it is possible, what exact logic change would you suggest that will fix it without introducing any other new complex behaviour or breaking any other current defined behaviour?

If I was to make a straw-man-o-matic point - it would be: The list of complaints re this issue is negligibly small - and the only reason you even know about it is because you made a typo... so it wasn't like you tried to do it in xxx way while believing it should work, and then found out "Oy vey!, it doen't work this way!" - but rather you were just sad that your typo wasn't picked up by the system - non?

Provide a valuable reason to make it better in the way that you use it normally 
(sans typos), and you would gain my vote too.

This is solely about the SQL parser failing short of reporting syntax errors 
for nonsensical queries.

select 1 where null;

select 1 where is null;
Error: near "is": syntax error

select 1 where not null;

select 1 where is not null;
Error: near "is": syntax error

select 1 where not( not null);

elect 1 where not( is null );
Error: near "is": syntax error

select 1 where not( 1 );

select 1 where ‘When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful 
tone, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’;

select 1 where not 'The question is, said Alice, whether you can make words 
mean so many different things.’;

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