On 8 May 2014, at 12:41pm, Werner Kleiner <sqliteh...@web.de> wrote:

> I use the PDO library.
> The typeOf results in "real"
> If I change the "swsalary" column to "numeric(10,0) it results in integer
> and then the value of
> 50000 ist stored correct without . (dot).
> So is it better to take datatype "numeric" for storing amounts without dots
> or floating points?
> (In the textfield I have forbitten to fill in non numeric characters, only
> numbers allowed)

SQLite does not understand column types like "numeric(10,0)".  It has only two 
number types: INTEGER and REAL.

If the numbers you are storing are always going to be integers (if you don't 
need to see '.0' after an integer) then the best thing would be to define your 
column as an INTEGER type.  I think if you change the definition of your table 
so that this column is INTEGER then your problem will disappear.

Here is a page about which datatypes SQLite understands:


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