On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:46 PM, James K. Lowden

> On Sun, 18 May 2014 19:15:18 +0200
> RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> > > As Igor says, http://sqlite.org/c3ref/prepare.html would be
> > > appropriate. However, a database connection is required for this.
> >
> > But of course....  What kind of syntactical correctness can you hope
> > to check without a connection?
> You could hope for the kind of syntactical correctness that conforms to
> the rules of the syntax.  No schema infomation is required for that.
>         select A from T where W = 'foo';
> is valid syntax.  It might not execute correctly, expecially if there's
> no  table T with columns A and W, but that's not a syntax issue.

This is indeed what I was thinking of. A function that would mark the above
statement as 'valid', but mark

    select from T where W='foo';
    select name from from where 1;

as as 'invalid'.

I don't know if such a function would actually be useful, but I thought I
remembered that it already existed, and so I thought I would use it as a
basis for another function I wanted to write, which would compare 2 SQL
statements for equivalence, even if they don't memcmp() equal. The more I
think of it, though, I think that the solution is as simple as converting
all letters to lower(/upper) case and converting all whitespace to a single
space each, except for within matching [ ], " ", ' ' or ` `. After that, I
can do a memcmp().

˙uʍop-ǝpısdn sı ɹoʇıuoɯ ɹnoʎ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı
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