Andy Goth wrote:

>And honestly, please don't give people with no knowledge of 
>SQL theory the power to set your SQL schema in stone.

I am sure you mean Relational Theory, when using a database implementing 
Relational semantics, such as SQLite.

There is no requirement that SQL (Structured Query Language) be implemented to 
query a Relational Database.  There are many implementations which use SQL to 
query data from hierarchical, network, network extended, and a myriad of other 
underlying database storage mechanisms.  SQL no more binds the relational model 
than using COBOL (a computer programming language) binds the implementation to 
a 4341 SysPlex running OS/VS1.

SQLite implements an SQL interface using a relational access model against an 
ISAM datastore.  Storing mutivalued (array) items is a violation of the 
Relational Model, not SQL and not ISAM.  If you used, for example, ADABAS, then 
you could store arrays in a table field and perform SQL operations against them 
as if they were a BCNF normalized relational N:M join table.  Some other 
not-so-relational relational databases support nonstandard means of achieving 
the same thing.

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