Greetings and salutations.

We are in a tough situation, where we are going to have two instances of our application running on two different server: Server1: The original server, will continue to handle projects that are already opened until they are all closed and will not be able to open new projects.
Server2: The new server, will handle all new projects.
These servers will be in two different servers and in two different parts of the world, so network access will be very slow. What I am thinking in doing is to copy the data on Server1 to Server2 and set the starting id at a higher point than the last id on Server1. For example, Server1 highest project id is 134000, so, I would set the start id for Server2 to 135000. The Server two will continue to add new projects, so the next project id will be 135001 and so forth. Sounds easy. The problem is that I will have to update, every night, the DB on Server2 with the changes made to the DB in Server1. I have a LastUpdateDate column that has the latest update date so that just those that have been updated get changed. So, I am thinking in copying the DB for Server1 to c:\temp\Server1.db to Server2, so that I can do,

connect to Server2.db
ATTACH 'c:\temp\Server1.db' AS c;
          SELECT * FROM c.LSOpenProjects
            WHERE LastUpdateDate != c.LastUpdateDate AND < 134000;

Will someone tell me if this will update every record in Server2.db:
-- that LastUpdateDate in Server2.db does not equal to the LastUpdateDate in Server1.db -- it will no update any other record in Server2.db that is greater than 139999

Thanks for your help and feedback. If someone has any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Thanks.


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