Hello gang.

I recently did some work with another system which supported transactions (a 
journaling file system) then came back to SQLite and saw it with a different 
eye.  In my programming for SQLite so far either each database change has been 
handled by a different PHP process which opened a different connection, or a 
long-running application does sqlite3_open() once when it starts up and 
_close() when it quite.  But the programming style I've been using recently 
does the equivalent of allowing any number of concurrent "BEGIN"s and handing 
back a handle for each one.  You can execute any number of commands (SELECT or 
write) for each BEGIN, and then close the transaction with an "END" or 

SQLite, of course, does not hand back a handle for each "BEGIN".  A BEGIN 
inside a transaction is, correctly, an error.  But I find myself wanting to 
handle my transactions more ... erm ... modularly.  So if I was to change my 
programming style accordingly ...

(A) What should I be using as transaction handles ?  Do I do a different 
sqlite3_open() for each transaction or is there some other level ?

(B) Which journaling mode supports this use best ?  Any other advice about 

(C) In an application where any number of writing transactions can be running 
at one time, what is going to be my expected 'blocking' operation ?  Would it 
be a second transaction executing a database change _step() ?  Or does it 
happen when I close a transaction ?

(D) Do I expect to see a big time penalty for changing to this style of working 

Thanks for any discussion, help or advice.

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