On Jun 21, 2014, at 1:36 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>   But the programming style I've been using recently does the equivalent of 
> allowing any number of concurrent "BEGIN"s and handing back a handle for each 
> one.  You can execute any number of commands (SELECT or write) for each 
> BEGIN, and then close the transaction with an "END" or "ROLLBACK".
> SQLite, of course, does not hand back a handle for each "BEGIN".  A BEGIN 
> inside a transaction is, correctly, an error.  But I find myself wanting to 
> handle my transactions more ... erm ... modularly.  So if I was to change my 
> programming style accordingly ...

Do you mean nested transactions?

In my home-grown C++ wrapper for sqlite I do this with a "transaction tracker" 
object that tracks the nesting level on a connection and executes a BEGIN 
(IMMEDIATE) if the nesting level == 0, and a "SAVEPOINT X" if the nesting level 
!= 0, and if successful, a COMMIT if the level is 0, and a "RELEASE X" if the 
nesting level != 0.

If the transaction is not successful and the nesting level is 0, it does a 

(Yes, the name of the savepoint is always X.)

Works well.

-- Ward
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