How about using prepared statements in conjunction with bind?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
On 2014-07-09 15:03, - wrote:
Hello all,

I'm quite new at SQLite3, and have a bit of a problem with grasping the
handling of a  database.

After having used the OFFSET and LIMIT 1 method (in conjuction with a
userdata listview) and finding a past post into this forum describing it as
a rookie mistake I'm now trying to implement the "scrolling cursor" method
in that same post.  It leads to a few questions though.

For the above method to work for any database it means I need, for
each-and-every next/previous page request, to send *all* the bottom/top
records data back to the SQLite engine so it knows where to continue.  Even
when assuming the default maximum of columns the accumulated column names
and related data for the "WHERE" clause could get quite big.  Add to that a
possible the "SORT BY" clause and I'm looking at quite a large query, which
has to be created and transferred for every "scroll".  Which is something I
do not really like ...

1) Is it possible to refer to the columns in a kind of shorthand (index
perhaps) ?

2) Is it possible to have the SQLite engine initialize and remember certain
WHERE and ORDER clauses (without creating another database please :-) ), so
they can be used again-and-again (for the duration of a connection).

3) Is it possible, for the above 'scrolling cursor' method, to refer to a
starting record other than by sending the exact data of such a record back
to the SQLite engine ?

Ofcourse, feel (very) free to include other things that I've not thought
about and could be usefull. :-)

Rudy Wieser

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