- wrote:
> After having used the OFFSET and LIMIT 1 method (in conjuction with a
> userdata listview) and finding a past post into this forum describing it as
> a rookie mistake I'm now trying to implement the "scrolling cursor" method
> in that same post.

Are you using a list view, or paging?  The scrolling cursor method
is appropriate only for the latter.

The easiest way to handle a list view would be to read the primary key of
_all_ records in the correct order into your application.

If the amount of data isn't too large, OFFSET/LIMIT works just fine.

> For the above method to work for any database it means I need, for
> each-and-every next/previous page request, to send *all* the bottom/top
> records data back to the SQLite engine so it knows where to continue.

Only data in those columns that you are using for sorting.  (But those
must be a unique key for the records.)

> 1) Is it possible to refer to the columns in a kind of shorthand (index
> perhaps) ?


> 2) Is it possible to have the SQLite engine initialize and remember certain
> WHERE and ORDER clauses (without creating another database please :-) ), so
> they can be used again-and-again (for the duration of a connection).

Compiled statements can be reused (and the SQLite database drivers of
many languages have a statement cache).

However, this is unlikely to be a bottleneck.

> 3) Is it possible, for the above 'scrolling cursor' method, to refer to a
> starting record other than by sending the exact data of such a record back
> to the SQLite engine ?

No.  But SQLite has no client/server communication overhead.

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