On 2014/07/12 14:26, - wrote:
Hello Ryan,

Thanks for your response.   I was writing a lengthy reply when I realized
that most of what I said in it where repetitions of what I have already said
earlier, so I deleted it.

To be honest, its well possible that I currently just can't wrap my head
about the non-strict way SQLite seems to work (its not really what I'm
accustomed to)  ...

Hi Rudy,

The response is a pleasure and as to the wrapping your head around it, we'll gladly assist. I do not mean to re-iterate things either, but you add inaccurate statements, so please allow me to be (once more) very clear - SQLite is in no way "non-strict". Maybe you meant non-constrictive or constrained? The limits are wide and mean to accommodate as many use-cases as possible, but they are very strict, you cannot slip-through one extra column above the limit, as an example.

I understand the impulse needing compartmentalized absolutes, but it isn't viable. You have no problem understanding the road-laws, they have limits too, but there are exceptions everywhere. You must drive in a certain lane and your car is not allowed to be wider than a lane, except for instance when a truck is delivering a cooling tower that's 3-lanes wide, then we use special escorts and traffic control interventions to move the load. There is however no point in making those exceptions part of standard road-rule-studies when teaching a teenager to drive - good thing too, because the list of possible and even plausible exceptions would dwarf the library of congress.

SQL is the road-system and you are the town-planner. It is your job to figure out the use-case and model the limits to suit it. It is SQLite's task to attempt supplying SQL data interfaces for whatever that mold transpires to be.

If you are used to anything less, then please consider this new horizon a step 
in the right direction. :)

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