Hi all,

I have been running some tests with spellfix using a table containing about 300000 words, extracted from the Moby project's single word list as well as names and places. Moby can be found at:

I have noticed that searching for medium length to very long words is very fast, but when I start searching for short words like "hi" and "bye", the search time skyrockets. I think the longest search time was about 1500 milliseconds (the average is somewhere around the 500 ms mark). My table is set up as follows:

create virtual table if not exists dictionary using spellfix1(edit_cost_table=editcosts);

When searching, I specify top=5 to get these timings.

Is there anything I can tweak to speed up the search for short words, or is there anything that can be done by the developers to optimize this further?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
sqlite-users mailing list

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