On Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:42:11 +0100
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> > Whether or not something "is an error" is a matter of definition.
> > SQLite defines division by zero to be NULL.  It's very unusual in
> > that regard.

> MySQL does it too unless ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO mode is enabled:
> PostgreSQL doesn't do it, and that annoys some people

MySQL is a model for what not to do.  Postgres has been the model for

> SQL Server does it too unless SET ARITHABORT is ON:
> <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259212(v=sql.80).aspx>

That setting has always been ON by default.  It's interesting to compare
that page to the current version, 


which advises against turning it off.  AFAIK in SQL Server the
only choices are an error message or a warning message.  There's
no option for SQLite's silent convert-to-NULL behavior.  The
application can achieve that by suppressing the message, of course.  

> NULLs propagate harmlessly downstream.  

FSVO harmlessly.  I understand if you want an average of zero things,
maybe NULL is a nice default.  If it is, though, you always have the
choice of 

        case N when 0 then NULL else sum(A)/N end as Mean

The problem is, it's not always harmless.  You like it because you can
print them and eyeball them.  But in dealing with large datasets
updated by an external process, it is often the case that the
denominator should never be zero.  Examples include the Price/Book
ratio for a stock or the current constituency of the S&P 500.  With a
large enough compound computation, NULL can be a legitimate result
(because the quotient is added to or multiplied by NULL), but a zero in
the divisor is an error.  

Yes, you can check.  You can make a separate pass over the data to
ensure none of the divisors are zero.  Two ramifications to that

        1.  It doubles the work for a rare condition. 
        2.  If it's not done, the NULL will conceal the condition. 

You can save #1 by returning the divisor in the output and checking it
in the application.  That leaves #2, which is inescapable.  

If OTOH the system produces an error for divide by zero, that can be
trapped, or prevented by the above SQL.  

> Errors crash the program.  

Why?  Perhaps divide-by-zero presents a difficulty to the programmer
who doesn't account for it.  If so, it won't be the last one;
error-handling is a big part of programming.  

And therein lies the rub.  Errors are a fact of life, and disguising
them is no help.  You can't extract a weekday from a non-date; you
can't take the log of a negative. And you can't divide by zero.  It's
not special.  Zero is invalid input as a divisor, just as much as 13 is
invalid as a month.  Errors are errors.  Report them, full stop, and be
done with it. 

My basic argument is very,very simple: division by zero is an error.
It is not special in any way.  If you want SQLite to ignore it, you
have to explain either why it's special, or agree that *all* domain
errors should be converted to NULL.  

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