Hi Richard, James,

> > >  * SQL injection attacks;
> > >
> > 
> > You are doing CREATE TABLE statements based on text from an untrusted
> > user?  Really?

> My reaction exactly.  

I'm writing a library so the safety of the input is out of my hands and in that 
of the application writers who work 'above' me. I neither want to burden them 
with the responsibility to escape strings nor trust them to remember to do so. 
In the myriad of uses planned for this library, it's a distinct possibility 
that there may be a UI with a default text value field filled-in by a user that 
trickles down directly into a database column default: there will certainly be 
occasions when a property's default value is specified by a user. Even if 
malicious injection attacks are unlikely via a text column default, seemingly 
benign default text, perhaps hard-coded by an unwitting application developer, 
could cause havoc (or, more likely, cause an exception to be thrown and a 
migration to fail) when not suitably escaped.

This library includes limited support for schema evolution. SQLite's limited 
support for ALTER TABLE leads me to make many more CREATE TABLE calls than you 
might expect.

> > >  * floating point value rounding in conversion to/from text;

> If the default cannot be represented exactly, its rounding will be the
> least of the difficulties. 

Not always: in scientific applications I've had column values default to plenty 
of irrational numbers: fractions of pi, sqrt(2.0) etc.

My main gripe is when the value being read from a database isn't identical to 
the value written to the database. I've had problems in the past where 
conversion between double and text, e.g. sprintf() and atof(), isn't perfectly 
invertible even at 17+ significant figures. Perhaps this may only be an issue 
on some of the older platforms I've worked on or on traditional client/server 
architectures (with which I'm more familiar) where client and server can be 
different platforms. I haven't (yet) tested SQLite empirically, though I notice 
SQLite has its own atof() implementation sqlite3AtoF() which weakens my 
confidence that I'll get out exactly what float I put in represented as text. 
In my (admittedly limited) experience, IEEE754 implementations are 
transferable, when endian-flipped as appropriate.

Here's a real-world scenario where this could cause an issue (I've actually 
encountered this for real) Imagine an application writer who's instructed my 
library to use pi (say) as a column's default. When reading the value out of 
the database, they may want to test if the value equals the default: if so, 
they can head up some pre-computed branch of code, otherwise they have to 
compute everything from scratch. Of course their equality comparison could 
(should?) have some tolerance threshold, but they'll come to me to complain 
when their code runs slow because I can't return exactly the same value they 
gave me. Okay, it was a 1 min patch.

Nevertheless, you're right that representing a floating point value as text 
using a bunch of significant figures (I'd err on the side of caution and go 
with 17 or 18) will suffice: it will have to.

> > >  * how else can I set a default value for a binary blob column?

>    http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html

>    "BLOB literals are string literals containing hexadecimal data
> and preceded by a single "x" or "X" character. Example: X'53514C697465'"

Thanks for the pointer to Blob literals. I hadn't spotted them.

If you think I'm being pedantic/overly-preemptive, you're right: These issues 
are unlikely to cause anyone headaches. My motivation for wanting to bind 
default values is a combination of:

1. An artificial (unrealistic?) attempt to maintain clean separation between 
manipulation of database structure and database content: I'm happy to use 
sql/text for the former but want to use all-binary transfer for the latter. So 
far, I've been able to adhere to this, but life's never so clean: default 
values fall nicely in the grey area: they start as database structure (part of 
the schema), then end up as database content.

2. Binding values makes these concerns, however poxie, go away.


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