On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:53:32 +0100
Nathaniel Trellice <napt...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> > > You are doing CREATE TABLE statements based on text from an
> > > untrusted user?  Really?
> > My reaction exactly.  
> I'm writing a library so the safety of the input is out of my hands
> and in that of the application writers who work 'above' me. I neither
> want to burden them with the responsibility to escape strings nor
> trust them to remember to do so.

Fair enough.  I can see why you'd want to use parameterized queries for
that.  And it looks as though you might get your wish.  

I guess if I were in your shoes I'd run the input through
sqlite3_snprintf with %q, to safely double any quotes.  


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