Our existing implementation is failing due to inconsistency between SQLite 
3.7.17 and current 3.8.6. Might have existed in earlier 3.8, but we're just 
upgrading now.

In 3.7, issuing "PRAGMA index_list(tablename)" to retrieve the details of an 
index, sqlite3_column_count() would return 0 for automatic integer primary key 
indexes, basically indicating there was no explicit index created for that 
tablename. But in 3.8, sqlite3_column_count() returns '3' and we can proceed to 
evaluate the primary key index. We noticed the 'name' column for this integer 
primary key index is "" (empty string).

Is this behavior change by design?
We are working around it by checking for the "" (empty string) named index. Is 
there a better way to identify this index returned by the Pragma is the 
automatically create one?


-Paul Quinn
sqlite-users mailing list

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