On 29 Oct 2014, at 7:46pm, Billy Huynh <billyhu...@aimtelligentsw.com> wrote:

> Please check it out by visiting http://www.aimtelligentsw.com? 

A few quick tips:

* Say right up front which operating systems your application runs on.
* What's Windows 2003 ?
* On the download page, explain what can be done with the 'Trial version' 
without obtaining a license.  Is it hampered in any way ?
* Screenshots, screenshots, screenshots.  People want to judge what the 
software can do from screenshots.  They will read your feature list only after 
that.  The ones you have included are fine, but they need to be seen first, up 
top, not after an extra click.

Also, I would advise figuring out whether your site is about your company or 
the one piece of software.  The different menus give a mixed message: one 
explicitly mentions the software title, others don't mention it.  It doesn't 
matter which you choose, but you should be consistent.

Good luck with your product.

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