
I'm the maintainer of RSQLite, the R language binding for SQLite.
Recently, CRAN (the common R archive network) has started running all
R packages with USBAN. This reveals a problem in sqlite.c

> library(RSQLite)
> con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = tempfile())
sqlite/sqlite3.c:63931:5: runtime error: null pointer passed as
argument 2, which is declared to never be null
sqlite/sqlite3.c:63932:5: runtime error: null pointer passed as
argument 1, which is declared to never be null

The block of code that refers to is:

  if( p->azVar ){
    p->nzVar = pParse->nzVar;
    memcpy(p->azVar, pParse->azVar, p->nzVar*sizeof(p->azVar[0]));
    memset(pParse->azVar, 0, pParse->nzVar*sizeof(pParse->azVar[0]));

So maybe the check should be on (pParse->azVar) ?

(as of version 3.8.6)


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