Thanks so much for the quick AND HELPFUL response!

I had run the pragma, but was unaware of the command. When I ran the 
'integrity-check' command on the virtual table, I got a "database disk image is 
malformed Error Code 11"

Running the 'rebuild' command seems to have fixed the problem. I guess one of 
the triggers for keeping the virtual table up to date must have failed for some 

Thank you again! 

Peter Truskier
Berkeley, CA USA

> On Dec 24, 2014, at 11:47 AM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:
> Have you run integrity checks on the database file (
> and on the FTS4
> tables (  Do they all look
> correct?
> On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Peter Truskier <> wrote:
>> I have an sqlite database in which I've created a virtual table using
>> FTS4. For nearly a year, we've been using it to do full text searching with
>> no problem.
>> The database contains a table of products (tblProducts) with columns id,
>> SKU, itemDesc, etc.
>> The virtual table is created like this:
>>   CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tblFTSProducts USING fts4(content="tblProducts",
>> SKU, itemDesc)
>> A couple of days ago, full text searches (using "MATCH") suddenly stopped
>> working - always returning an empty recordset with no error. The data in
>> the virtual table appears to be correct.
>> If I do a query on the virtual table like this:
>>   SELECT * FROM tblFTSProducts WHERE itemDesc LIKE '%inches%',
>> I get a valid recordset containing the expected records. But, if I do this:
>>   SELECT * FROM tblFTSProducts WHERE tblFTSProducts MATCH 'inches',
>> I get an empty recordset.
>> I've checked the integrity of the database, and it is reported to be good.
>> I've tried dropping and re-creating the virtual table, and still get the
>> same behavior.
>> Does anyone have any suggestion for what might suddenly cause this
>> behavior after working for moths and months?
>> Thanks, and happy holidays!
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