On Sat, 7 Feb 2015 12:31:37 -0500
Doug Currie <doug.cur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In response to this SO question:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28377210/how-to-retrieve-rank-based-on-total-mark-in-sqlite-table
> I tried to formulate a query without temp tables using an ordinary
> CTE, but received an error "misuse of aggregate: sum()".

My standard answer is http://www.schemamania.org/sql/#rank.rows. 

You don't need a CTE; it's just a syntactic convenience.  Substituting
his table in my example, something like this should work: 

        select S.id, S.total, count(lesser.total) as RANK
        from (
             select id, sum(cal1 + cal2 + exam) as total 
             from T group by id 
        ) as S
        join (
             select id, sum(cal1 + cal2 + exam) as total 
             from T group by id 
        ) as as lesser
        on   S.SID >= lesser.SID
        group by S.SID, S.total
        order by S.SID;

Someone will doubtless be tempted to suggest that's inefficient in
SQLite, and that may be so.  (I haven't checked.)  It needed be,
though.  The system could detect the repeated subquery and evaluate it
once.  Not that it matters for any dataset of students and exams on the
planet!  :-)  

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