Maybe with a query or two extra, you can determine a temp table, then build
on that.  Do an initial distinct look up on the primary fields you want as
the fields in your temp table and create it, then do the required queries
to get the raw data into the temp table, then do the finalized query to get
the results you need.  I can't think of a single step method to get what
you want done.  Any time I've had to take (what I call) vertical data and
convert it to a horizontal format, I've always had to construct either an
array in memory or create another table.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:55 AM, R.Smith <> wrote:

> I used to make Pivot-table-like reports in (what I thought was) the normal
> way:
> SELECT ProductID, sum(QtyMade) AS TotQty,
>    (sum(CASE  Mth  WHEN  1  THEN  QtyMade  ELSE  0  END)) AS 'Jan Qty'
> ,(sum(CASE  Mth  WHEN  2  THEN  QtyMade  ELSE  0  END)) AS 'Feb Qty'
>   ,(sum(CASE  Mth  WHEN  3  THEN  QtyMade  ELSE  0  END)) AS 'Mar Qty'
> ...
>   ,(sum(CASE  Mth  WHEN 11 THEN  QtyMade  ELSE  0  END)) AS 'Nov Qty'
>   ,(sum(CASE  Mth  WHEN 12 THEN  QtyMade  ELSE  0  END)) AS 'Dec Qty'
> FROM ProductionHist
> WHERE Year=2014
> GROUP BY ProductID
> etc.
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