On 2/11/2015 5:46 PM, Jono Poff wrote:
I wonder if anybody could give me a simple example in C to bind an array
of values to a prepared statement?

The effect I'm looking for is ....

sqlite3_stmt* stmt = Compile(db, "select * in Things where thing1 in
(      <what goes here?>            );");

sqlite3_bind_???(stmt,    0 ,   <what goes here? an array?> );

With small number of values, you can generate a string like "?, ?, ?" with one question mark per parameter, embed it into the statement between parens, and bind each element individually. Or, just sprintf them all into a string and embed into the query as literals (especially if they are numbers; with strings, beware SQL injection).

With large number of values, create a temp table, insert them into that table one per row (using an auxiliary single-parameter INSERT statement), then reformulate your query to do a nested select on that table.

These approaches use stock capabilities of SQLite and don't require heroic efforts (like patching source or implementing a virtual table).
Igor Tandetnik

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