On 24 May 2016, at 6:04pm, Michael Hari <michael.h...@slalom.com> wrote:

> I’ve come to the conclusion that I would need to “split the file into two 
> databases” as well. The challenge here is that the larger db will have to 
> have a limit of 2 GB and will need to make a new db when it hits that limit. 
> It would have to split it into multiple Dbs as the data grows (so db1.sqlite, 
> db2.sqlite, etc.). Would you happen to know any strategies to accomplish this 
> in sqlite? Either through SQL or scripting?

Create a versioning system for your database which is not the same as the 
version of your application.  Continue to use Sparkle for your application but 
not for the database file.

Upgrading your database from one version to another can be done in three ways:

A) Distribute an additional .sqlite file.  To update the local database have 
the application read the data from this file and add it to the local copy of 
the database.

B) Distribute a .zipped text file containing the SQL commands needed to update 
the local copy of the database.  To update the local database have the 
application read the commands from this file and execute them.

C) Distribute a .zip containing a .csv file for each table.  To update the 
local database have the application read the text from this file and convert it 
to INSERT commands.

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