On 23 May 2016, at 9:08pm, Piyush Shah <piyush.shah at slalom.com> wrote:

> We know about sqldiff https://www.sqlite.org/sqldiff.html  and would use it 
> to generate diffs and patch them but we were hoping there was a way to do do 
> a binary diff of the database because otherwise we will have to figure out a 
> way for the client to run the sqldiff utility to patch the database.

There's no easy way to integrate Sparkle and sqldiff so that they work together 
like that.  The amount of work it would take would be equivalent to writing 
your own tool which updated the database across the internet.

If the database file is small, just let Sparkle update it with the other 
components of the application.  If the database file is big, it may be worth 
doing work on it.

Does the database file compress well as a ZIP file ?  Then distribute it as a 
.zip.  On startup, detect if the decompressed version is not present, or has a 
datestamp before the .zip version.

Do you have roughly equal parts of the file taken up with tables which never 
change and tables which change with each update ?  Then split the file up into 
two database files and use ATTACH to access them both via one connection.


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