On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 14:26:15 -0700, Mark Romero <marklovesd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you all for all your help.
> I have been soliciting advice from all sorts of Lightroom forums / adobe
> forums / Dell computer forums and other forums more specific to hardware
> and Lightroom, and they all ended up in a dead end.
> But seeing as though it DOESN'T look like a recent Win 7 update has
> affected SQLite performance, I guess I have reached a dead end, too. (You
> were my last remaining hope, guys!!!)
> Anyway, thanks all for all your help and suggestions. Looks like I might
> just have to stick with Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop for now until I can
> get a new computer.

Other things you can try:

* Reduce the number of files in directories (folders) 
  with images  that are under control of Lightroom

* If possible, disable automatic (re-)cataloging in

* Exclude directories with sqlite databases / 
  Lightroom catalogs from all viruscanners. 
  If that is not possible, (temporarily) disable
  all real-time virusscanners


Kees Nuyt

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