On 2015-04-13 11:38 PM, Drago, William @ CSG - NARDA-MITEQ wrote:
> All,
> Is there a convenient way to transfer data from SQLite to SQL Server? I'm 
> presently writing code to do a row by row transfer of all my tables, but the 
> thought crossed my mind that maybe there's a better way.

Depends, a row by row transfer is not bad, it is what all transfers will 
boil down to. You might use the SQL Server native connector 
(sqlncli.dll) and use the api to bind the variables (just like in 
SQLite) for very fast transfers. Or you might compile a list of INSERT 
statements in MSSQL format, still quite fast.

If you are doing this as a once-off, there are tools that can do that 
for you (as far as exporting to SQL goes anyway). If you need to do this 
all the time, best is to make connector in your system. In the end, the 
data has to go from whatever form into SQL and get fed into whichever 
SQL engine you choose because the receiving engine needs the opportunity 
to do validation and constraint checking depending on its version of the 

Programmatically adjusting mutative schemata to have the same meaning 
when it transmits to  MSSQL (or any other SQL engine) is a rabbit hole 
I'd avoid.

I realize these statements are more vague than helpful at this point - 
if you could be more specific with the use case, I'm sure lots of people 
here have walked the route and will have options.

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