The original thread asking about an array of complex numbers has been
marked as "solved." The requester has decided to serialize the complex
numbers and store them in a blob. Earlier, Keith had suggested storing
complex numbers as a pair of real numbers and a separate box table. I
extended Keith's suggestion with two or three tables, elements, arrays and
optionally coordinates.

There is some literature on storing arrays in SQL databases. In addition
complex numbers seem to be the orphan stepchild of programming languages
(let alone databases). Although FORTRAN IV had complex numbers they were
not added to the C standard until C99.

Language / Standard / Library
C / C99/ complex.h
C# / 4.0 / System.Numerics.Complex

Java /?/ Apache Commons
Python/2.6.5/ cmath

So, I suppose if a company wanted to sponsor it, complex numbers could be
supported through an addin library similar to FTS3 and FTS4 for full text

Here for example, is a discussion on IBM DeveloperWorks concerning the
Informix database.

Some databases have Abstract Defined Type (Oracle) or User Defined Types
(Microsoft SQL Server) that could be used for complex numbers.

Ironically, the scientific data format NetCDF did not have provision for
complex numbers (it was designed for weather data).

There are some discusssions of scientific versions of SQL (such as SciQL):

"A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays:
Design, Implementation, and Optimization Techniques"

"Requirements for Science Data Bases and SciDB"

"SciQL, A Query Language for Science Applications"


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