On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:24:56 +0200
Dominique Devienne <ddevienne at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:16 AM, James K. Lowden
> <jklowden at schemamania.org> wrote:
> > A major hurdle is the memory model: because array-programming
> > libraries normally mandate the data be in contiguous memory,
> > there's a cost to converting to/from the DBMS's B+ tree.  The more
> > array-like the physical storage of the DBMS, the more it cedes
> > transactional and update capability.
> Well, just look at how Oracle solved that problem. The row data
> doesn't hold the blob itself, like in SQLite, but an index to
> separate blob pages. This proverbial level of indirection brings
> tremendous benefits, because you can then update a blob w/o having to
> rewrite the whole blob (you copy the "blob" page(s) being updated
> only, and copy the row into a new "data" page with an updated "blob
> index" with just a few entries changed to point to the updated pages. 

Does Oracle provide access to the BLOB as a contiguous memory image in
the Oracle server's virtual address space?

The benefit you're describing reduces the I/O required to update the
BLOB and to traverse the table without referencing it.  That's a *very*
old technique; it was available in Sybase in 1980s.  To support use of 
arbitrary linear algebra functions on those BLOBs, they would have to
supplied to user-defined functions in linear memory with known


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