"R.Smith" wrote...
> On 2015-07-31 03:37 PM, jose isaias cabrera wrote:
>> How much I owe you? :-)  The holidays was the next question. ;P Thanks. 
>> This will help me understand CTE much deeper/better. Thanks.
> The help is a pleasure, but those CTEs were hacked together to solve the 
> date-time conundrum you've posted - Please don't use them as educational 
> material!
> I'm not aware of any great CTE tutorials for SQLite on the web, though 
> there must be some, and other readers may offer links to them.
> We've added a few tutorial-like demos to the script editor for the 
> upcoming public release of SQLitespeed 2 (still  in final BETA, release 
> expected late August) for doing fun stuff like drawing Sine/Cosine graphs, 
> Mandelbrot sets and reading/expanding CSV data in a column - but I think a 
> real basic tutorial will help a lot of people more.
> I'll post some of those tutorials here if anyone is interested, and I hope 
> someone could add some nice web tutorials/resources because CTEs are just 
> brilliant in making life easier and everyone could / should benefit from 
> it.  If interested in checking these out in the beta - it can be accessed 
> from here: www.sqlc.rifin.co.za/ but I advise hanging on for the public 
> release.
> Two great informational pieces can be found here (although this is SQL 
> SERVER based CTE discussions, I think the articles are accessible to all):
> http://facility9.com/2008/12/a-quick-introduction-to-common-table-expressions/
> https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/sql-server-cte-basics/
> The former contains a host of reasons why CTEs are better to use and both 
> give examples of practical non-recursive CTEs.

Thanks. Ryan.  Wow, your tool is pretty amazing.  I did not know it existed. 
The site is also very nice.  Thank for the CTE links.  I am a newbie to SQL, 
and I started with SQLite for a project for work in 2006 and now it has 
become bigger than I wanted/thought, which is pushing me to learn more and 
more about this fancy world of SQL. :-)  Again, thanks for all the help.


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