I observed the sqlite command shell version to crash (exit to the 
OSwithout an error message) while running in a Cygwin shell under Windows 7 
when I tried to create anindex.? The source was compiled by gcc 4.9.2. ?The 
same type of crashhappened when I tried the operation from a Lua script linked 
to the same objectlibrary.

Here are the DDL statements entered previous to the crash:

CREATE TABLEd200_on_passport(fn,path,size,serial,pid);

CREATE INDEX d200_on_passport_serial ond200_on_passport(serial);

CREATE VIEW d200 as select * fromd200_on_passport;

And here is the statement thatcaused the crash:

create index d200_on_passport_fn ond200_on_passport(fn);

The crash didn?t happen when Itried the CREATE INDEX statement on a test 
database with the same ddlstatements but containing no data.

The compressed version of the database that illustrates the problem is a little 
smaller than 2 MB. ?It contains some semi-personal information (it's part of an 
attempt to organize my photo library; pathnames hint at where I've been on 
vacation and so on, but the database contains no images) and I'd prefer not to 
post it to a list, but I can send it for use by those tracking down the bug.

Robert Weiss

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