On 7 Aug 2015, at 10:11pm, Robert Weiss <weissrm0 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> And here is the statement thatcaused the crash:
> create index d200_on_passport_fn ond200_on_passport(fn);
> The crash didn?t happen when Itried the CREATE INDEX statement on a test 
> database with the same ddlstatements but containing no data.

Are you up for a little detective work ?  The idea is to work out what part of 
your multi-table many-row database is causing the problem.

First, run "PRAGMA integrity_check()".  I'm going to assume it shows no errors.

Do a VACUUM before creating the index.  Does it still crash ?

Take a copy of the 2 Meg database.  DROP all tables and views except for the 
"ond200_on_passport" table.  Does the command still crash it ?

If so ...

Take another copy of the 2 Meg database and work out a way to DELETE about half 
the rows in "ond200_on_passport" but leave the other half.  Then see if the 
command still crashes.  Then restore the copy and delete the other half of the 
rows, leaving the first half intact.  Does it crash now ?  Both times ?  
Neither time ?  Only on one half of the data ?


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