Hello !  

Here I'm fixing some typos and I also tested on postgresql and there all
views are updated properly then I'll say is a bug in sqlite.  

Does anybody knows how to rename a table and all it's dependencies in one go


 The problem: a database has several tables and views that reference/use
 tables something simplified like this: 


 CREATE TABLE a(id integer primary key, name text); 

 CREATE TABLE b(id integer primary key, a_id integer references a(id), name

 CREATE VIEW aview AS select * from a; 

 CREATE VIEW bview AS select b.*, a.name as aname from b left join a on
b.a_id =a.id; 



 Now if we do "alter table a rename to a2;" actually sqlite only rename the
 "a" all foreign key references from "a" to "a2" but leaves all views broken.

 =======schema after "alter table a rename to a2;" 

 CREATE TABLE "a2"(id integer primary key, name text); 

 CREATE TABLE b(id integer primary key, a_id integer references "a2"(id),
name text); 

 CREATE VIEW aview AS select * from a; 

 CREATE VIEW bview AS select b.*, a.name as aname from b left join a on
b.a_id =a.id; 


 Is this a bug ? 

 Cheers !   


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