On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Martin Kucej <
i.librarian.software at gmail.com> wrote:

> Recently, I was asked to implement full-text search in an application
> with up to 1 million items, each with several columns having AND, OR
> and a phrase search capabilities. I can only work with FTS4, which
> does not allow a phrase search with column specifiers, e. g. this is
> invalid:
> MATCH 'column1:"lorem ipsum" column2:"gaudeamus igitur"'
> My question is - can I simulate phrases with the NEAR keyword? Like so:
> MATCH 'column1:lorem NEAR/0 column1:ipsum column2:gaudeamus NEAR/0
> column2:igitur'
> The way NEAR keyword is explained, it should work, and all my tests
> give me correct results. I just want to make sure it is always going
> to be correct.

NEAR/0 will probably not care about ordering.

It might be easier to just put the columns in separate fts4 tables and join
on rowid.  Or phrase-match the columns separately in sub-queries against
the same table (one sub-query does column1 MATCH "lorem ipsum" the other
does the other match, and you join them together).

I think performance-wise, joining on rowid shouldn't be a problem unless
you have a very large number of hits for both queries.


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