On 2015-08-30 09:02 PM, Lev wrote:
> Okay, it is more like an SQL question...
> So I have say three different SELECT on one table. I'd like to combine the
> three to have data in the result, only if one particular field is the same for
> each query.

Might I suggest 2 approaches:
(I'm just making up the schema since you did not specify it, but if your 
schema is significantly more complex, post it and we can adapt to it).

1 - Sub-Queries:

SELECT A.Data, B.Data, C.Data
   FROM (SELECT KeyField, Col1 AS Data FROM someTable WHERE Col1 > 5)  AS A
   JOIN (SELECT KeyField, Col2 AS Data FROM someTable WHERE Col2 < 10) AS B
   JOIN (SELECT KeyField, Col3 AS Data FROM someTable WHERE Col3 = 20) AS C
WHERE A.KeyField = B.KeyField  AND  B.KeyField = C.KeyField;

2 - Common table expression (CTE):

A(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col1 FROM someTable WHERE Col1 > 5),
   B(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col2 FROM someTable WHERE Col2 
< 10),
   C(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col3 FROM someTable WHERE Col1 
= 20)
SELECT A.Data, B.Data, C.Data
   JOIN B ON B.KeyField = A.KeyField
   JOIN C ON C.KeyField = A.KeyField

You could of course add lots of other columns, this just the minimum to 
make the idea work.


> I think this is possible with subquery and virtual tables, but I can't really
> figure out the syntax.
> Any help are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Lev

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