On Sun, 30 Aug 2015 21:26:43 +0200
"R.Smith" <rsmith-A8BYtU+P9sDYkQIYctQFYw at public.gmane.org> wrote:

> 1 - Sub-Queries:
> SELECT A.Data, B.Data, C.Data
>    FROM (SELECT KeyField, Col1 AS Data FROM someTable WHERE Col1 >
> 5)  AS A JOIN (SELECT KeyField, Col2 AS Data FROM someTable WHERE
> Col2 < 10) AS B JOIN (SELECT KeyField, Col3 AS Data FROM someTable
> WHERE Col3 = 20) AS C WHERE A.KeyField = B.KeyField  AND  B.KeyField
> = C.KeyField;
> 2 - Common table expression (CTE):
> A(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col1 FROM someTable WHERE Col1
> > 5), B(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col2 FROM someTable
> > WHERE Col2 
> < 10),
>    C(KeyField, Data) AS (SELECT KeyField, Col3 FROM someTable WHERE
> Col1 = 20)
> SELECT A.Data, B.Data, C.Data
>    FROM A
>    JOIN B ON B.KeyField = A.KeyField
>    JOIN C ON C.KeyField = A.KeyField
> ;
> You could of course add lots of other columns, this just the minimum
> to make the idea work.

Okay. Thanks for the hint. I think I go for 1.


73 de HA5OGL
Op.: Levente

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