2015-12-12 22:12 GMT+01:00 Mark Hamburg <mhamburg.ml at gmail.com>:

> Though to the extent that speed is proportional to data size, it would be
> good to use something other than hexadecimal to store UUIDs. Binary blobs
> would be the most compact, but ASCII85 encoding would work well if you need
> strings.
> Also, if these values are reused repeatedly as I suspect projectID and
> groupID might be, then it may be useful to intern them into a table and use
> integer keys. We got a noticeable performance improvement when I made that
> sort of change recently in our project. (I also implemented a
> string-to-integer-to-string cache that sits ahead of hitting the database.)

?That was something I was wondering about. I was saving this question for
when I got further ahead. But it does not hurt to have info about this. :-D

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