2015-12-12 22:44 GMT+01:00 Keith Medcalf <kmedcalf at dessus.com>:

> The first question(s) I would ask are:
>  Are all the fields case sensitive? (according to your definition they are)

?Do you mean the name or the contents?


>  Are any of them, other than the primary key, unique? (according to your
> definition they are not)

?Only the primary key is unique. Maybe I should make name unique to, but it
could be possible to have to projects with the same name in different
groups I think.


>  Other than the isPersonal column all of the columns permit a NULL entry.
> Is this your intent (it is what is written)

?When thinking more about it, that should only be groupID. I think the
others should always be filled.


>  One would presume (based on the English meanings of the column names)
> that the groupid groups multiple projects together.  How do you intend to
> insure the group name is correct since you are repeating it in every
> record.  Do you not think it may be more appropriate to have a table of
> groups, and have the projects.groupid be a foreign key into the groups
> table?

?I have a groups table also. But did not show it, because I did not think
it important. It is:
CREATE TABLE "groups" (
    "name"    TEXT

And probably I should make name unique.?

Cecil Westerhof

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