16 dec 2015,  James K. Lowden:

> On Fri, 11 Dec 2015 16:21:30 +0200
> "Frank Millman" <frank at chagford.com> wrote:
>> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
>> sqlite> SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;
>> 5925.59999999999
> To a question like that you'll receive a lot of answers about  
> numerical
> accuracy.  And it's true that there are ways to "do the math" without
> using floating point representation.  It's also true that it's rarely
> necessary, which is why floating point representation exists and *is*
> widely used.  You may find it works for you too, unless you have to
> adhere to a specific rounding policy.
> Per your example, you're working with 2 decimal places of precision.
> 5925.59999999999 rounds off to 5925.60; it even rounds off to
> 5925.6000000000, not too shabby.  If you keep adding 123.45 to it,
> you'll find you can go on forever before the answer is wrong in the
> second decimal place.
> IEEE 754 is a solid bit of engineering.  It's capable of representing
> 15 decimal digit of precision.  That's good enough to measure the
> distance to the moon ... in millimeters.
> You could have an exceptional situation, but that would be
> exceptional.  Usually, double-precision math works just fine, provided
> you have some form of round(3) at your disposal when it comes time to
> render the value in decimal form.
> --jkl
Hello, so in short, rounding the column anywhere it is used, is  
another solution. I confirmed this below. Thanks, E. Pasma.

UPDATE fmtemp SET bal = ROUND(bal,2) + 123.45;
(repeat a 1.000.001 times
SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;

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