On 12/24/15, John McKown <john.archie.mckown at gmail.com> wrote:
> DELETE is normally done as: ALTER TABLE table-name DROP ?COLUMN
> column_file_name; and would be a very nice addition. I hadn't noticed that
> it is missing. I wonder why. Perhaps Dr. Hipp will comment after the
> holidays.

Merry Christmas.

DROP COLUMN and RENAME COLUMN are relatively easy for tables that lack
indexes, triggers, views, foreign key references, CHECK constraints,
and other constructs that might reference the dropped or renamed
column.  Reliably finding every use of a column name and changing it
can be tricky.  The problem is more acute for dropping a column - what
do you do then, change each reference to NULL?

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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