On 28 Dec 2015, at 11:24pm, Olivier Mascia <om at integral.be> wrote:

> If SQLITE_MAX_WORKER_THREADS is not predefined, it defaults to 8.
> If SQLITE_DEFAULT_WORKER_THREADS is predefined let's say to 12, then 
> SQLITE_MAX_WORKER_THREADS is raised to match the default.
> I must be missing something important here (the code is large and I'm only 
> hitting its very surface for now), but wasn't the intent to limit the DEFAULT 
> within the MAX interval? 

The logic is the other way around.  The code you posted allows the programmer 
to set a value for


and know that SQLite will allow the default they set.  Without that complicated 
code the compiler would allow them to set a DEFAULT and SQLite might never be 
able to reach the default they set.


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