We are in the process of moving mailman from sqlite.org:8080 to
mailinglists.sqlite.org. The reason for this is that sqlite.org runs on a
different web server (althttpd) than the mailman management (Apache) and so
we originally used port 8080 for mailman. Well, port 8080 does not work for
some people so we got another IP address for our VM and put Mailmain on
port 80 there. However, this means we also have to have a different DNS (A)
record to point to that different IP which means a different host name. So
sqlite.org:8080 was changed to mailinglists.sqlite.org for this.

So I updated mailman today to use mailinglists.sqlite.org rather than
sqlite.org:8080 knowing that there is a good chance some issues will arise.
I have been fixing them as they surface. This issue is related to the
Postfix config not recognizing mailinglists.sqlite.org. I've updated it an
restarted postfix so this should in theory fix it.

Just let me know if there are more issues and I'll address them in turn.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 6:37 PM, R.Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> I can confirm the bounces happen for the ".mailinglists" email address
> which is now automatically added to the "Reply-To" address.
> I hit the reply-to-all button and then remove the .mailinglists address to
> fix it, but it is rather cumbersome, if the powers that control such things
> could kindly adjust that setting it will be most appreciated.
> On 2/14/2015 2:04 AM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> On 13 Feb 2015, at 11:39pm, David King <dking at ketralnis.com> wrote:
>>  Maybe unrelated, but in the last few hours the list ID header changed
>>> from "sqlite-users.sqlite.org" to "sqlite-users.mailinglists.sqlite.org",
>>> which messes up my mail filtering.
>> Thanks, David.  That was it.
>> For others: messages from the list now reach me with a 'From' header
>> which includes 'mailinglists.'.  So when I hit 'reply' that's the address
>> my message goes to.  Whereas when I start a new thread my mailer uses the
>> address in my contact list which is the proper address.
>> Thanks to David for helping me figure that out so quickly.  I hand-edited
>> the 'To' header on this message and I expect it'll go through.
>> Simon.
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org
> http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users


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