I'd also recommend Paul Murrell's "Introduction to Data Technologies":


On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Jim Callahan
<jim.callahan.orlando at gmail.com> wrote:
> Books that discuss BOTH R and SQL are a very small subset and assume some
> knowledge of both.
> 1. Peter Dalgaard, "Introductory Statistics with R", 2002.
> "The book is based upon a set of notes developed for the course in Basic
> Statistics for Health Researchers at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the
> University of Copenhagen. This course had as its primary target.. students
> for the Ph.D. degree in medicine." Intro page viii.
> body mass index (BMI) and age of menarche.
> 2. Jared Lander, "R for Everyone", 2014.
> More modern, but less focused on health and a little more scattershot.
> 1. Brian Ripley and William Venables, "Modern Applied Statistics with S",
> 2002.
> Anything by John Chambers, Robert Gentleman or Brian Ripley or any member
> of the "R Core Development Team" can be considered authoritative (the stuff
> you can footnote without frowns) on R.
> Also, if you are going to use the R mailing list read all of the PDFs that
> come with the base installation of R. Its better now, but the R mailing
> list used to have a very strong "RTFM" attitude and did not want to explain
> anything that was clearly covered in the manuals. Especially read the "R
> Import/Export Manual" PDF.
> Depends on what you are doing.
> If you working with health surveys,
> Thomas Lumley's "Complex Surveys" is invaluable!!!!  One of Lumley's
> examples is the CDC's BRFSS, "The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
>  (BRFSS) is the world's largest, on-going telephone health survey system."
> (from CDC website). Which in Lumley's example is:
>    - The BRFSS 2007 data as a HUGE (245Mb) SQLite database
>    <http://r-survey.r-forge.r-project.org/svybook/brfss07.db>.
>    "
> 1. Thomas Lumley, "Complex Surveys: A Guide to Health Analysis Using R",
> http://r-survey.r-forge.r-project.org/svybook/index.html
> On the other hand, if you are dealing with biological data such as trying
> to match results from GeneChips with existing reference sources you might
> prefer Robert Gentleman's "R Programming for Bioinformatics" especially,
> Chapter 8 "Data Technologies".
> 1. Robert Gentleman's "R Programming for Bioinformatics", 2009.
> "We begin our discussion by describing a range of tools that have been
> implemented in R and that can be used to process and transform data. Next
> we discuss the different interfaces to databases that are available, but
> focus our discussion on SQLite as it is used extensively within the
> Bioconductor Project." page 229
> The databases discussion resumes on page 238, Section 8.4, discusses SQLite
> on page 241 including  a specific example:
> "In the code below we load the SQLite package, initialize a driver and open
> a dataase that has been supplied with the RBionf [R] package that
> accompanies this volume. The database contains a number of tables that map
> between identifers on the Affymetrix HG-U95v2 GeneChip and different
> quantities of interest such as GO categories or PubMed IDs (that map
> published papers that discuss the corresponding genes). We then list the
> tables in that database."
> Sometimes we get tired of reading dry tomes and we prefer something more
> chatty and amusing.
> For R and other tools I enjoy reading:
> Cathy O'Neil's and Rachel Schutt's "Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from
> the Frontline", 2013. It's an O'Reilly book.
> For SQLite, I enjoy
> Michael Owen's, "The Definitive Guide to SQLite", 2006. -- maybe not the
> whole book, but the Chapter 4 example page 75 "Foods mentioned in episodes
> of the Seinfield sitcom" is a hoot (and turned out to help me solve an real
> world problem).
> If you are doing anything beyond Stats 101 classical statistics it helps to
> understand the Bayesian bogeyman.
> A fascinating, non-technical, historical account is provided by Sharon
> Bertsch McGrayne, in her book "The Theory that would not Die...".
> Sharon Bertsch McGrayne,
> "The Theory That Would Not Die
> How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines,
> and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy"
> , 2011.
> http://yalepress.yale.edu/book.asp?isbn=9780300169690
> "For the student who is being exposed to Bayesian statistics for the first
> time, McGrayne?s book provides a wealth of illustrations to whet his or her
> appetite for more. It will broaden and deepen the field of reference of the
> more experienced statistician, and the general reader will find an
> understandable, well-written, and fascinating account of a scientific field
> of great importance today. "
> http://www.ams.org/notices/201205/rtx120500657p.pdf
> All the more timely with the release of the movie "The Imitation Game",
> because Turing & Co. cracked the German Enigma code using Bayesian
> statistics.
> There few specific "Bayesian" packages in R (an interface to BUGS); but it
> lurks in the background of many of them  -- any use of the word "prior".
> Hope this helps.
> Jim
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:28 AM, VASILEIOU Eleftheria <E.Vasileiou at 
> ed.ac.uk
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> I would need to use R for my analysis for my Project and my supervisor
>> suggested me to learn the SQL language for R.
>> Could you please provide me some resources for learning SQL and R?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Eleftheria
>> Eleftheria Vasileiou BSc, MPH
>> Research Student, Centre for Population Health Sciences
>> Room 815, Old Medical School, University of Edinburgh
>> E.Vasileiou at ed.ac.uk
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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