Here is a link to a more recent (2013) discussion with a more recent
(3.x.xx vs 2.x.xx) version of SQLite:


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Jim Callahan <
jim.callahan.orlando at> wrote:

> SQLite expects a file system.
> "SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files."
> You need a minimal file system.
> A file system does not have to be large.
> CP/M ran on an 8 bit Z-80 with less than 64k of RAM  (but the original
> CP/M was written in Z-80 assembly language -- not C).
> Here is an article on a stripped down Linux for M3/M4: uCLinux
> And here is website for SQLite for uClinux.
> The other option would be to emulate the Linux system file calls.
> You could start from scratch or download the Linux source code (assuming
> you have installed and know how to use git source code management system):
> # the Linux kernel (approx. 640MB download):
> $ git clone git://
> Hope this helps.
> Jim Callahan
> Orlando, FL
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 5:52 AM, Shuhrat Rahimov <sandrorkmv at>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was trying to run SQLite on ARM Cortex M4 CPU. What I need is a minimal
>> SQLite without the most features. I have no file system, so I wanted to
>> save a single file db on the internal MCU flash. I have successfully cross
>> compiled SQLite for ARM Cortex M4. I have set among others compile time
>> options SQLITE_OS_OTHER=1 and SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0.  Now I wanted to
>> implement a VFS. I want to save db tables directly in internal flash
>> without a file system. I have difficulties to understand test_onefile.c
>> implementation provided by SQLite. How could I edit that file in order to
>> be able to write file content on the internal MCU flash? Please, could
>> someone explain it to me or give some links where it is explained?
>> Kind Regards
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