On 7/29/15, jose isaias cabrera <jicman at cinops.xerox.com> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am trying to calculate a date using sqlite date and time functions.
> Perhaps, one of you GURUs can help this poor soul.  I have been trying to
> figure it out, but I know I am lack the understanding.  I read the
> documentation for it,
> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
> but I can not seem to find the way to do this.  The idea is this one, there
> will be an input of hours, which in this case will be 5.5 hours, that will
> be added to the actual time.  For example, if it's 10AM, adding 5.5 hours
> will give 3:30 PM.  This is easy,
> datetime('now','localtime','+5.5 hours')
> the problem happens if it is after 5PM. For example, say it is 2PM, adding
> 5.5 hours to it will give 7:30PM.  What I am trying to do is to add the
> amount of hours over 5PM, which is,
> time('now','localtime','+5.5 hours') - '17:00:00'
> to 8.5 hours to the start of the next day and select that date and time.

  CASE WHEN time('now','+5.5 hours','localtime') > '17:00:00'
       THEN datetime('now','+21.0 hours','localtime')
       ELSE datetime('now','+5.5 hours','localtime') END;

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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