On 14 Jun 2015, at 2:08pm, Jean Chevalier <jchevalier at gmx.net> wrote:

> Somewhat contradictory the Mozilla Foundation being a member of the SQLite 
> Consortium while their performance wiki prominently features a warning to 
> developers against using SQLite allegedly for performance reasons. Guard me 
> from my friends...
> http://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance/Avoid_SQLite_In_Your_Next_Firefox_Feature

It's an interesting page, and I have no argument with most of it.  What they're 
doing is not comparing SQLite and some other database engine, but comparing 
SQLite with a flat text file.  It can be temping to write less code and use 
SQLite as if it's the perfect solution to every storage problem, but sometimes 
if you have something simple to store and search, nothing beats a plaintext 
file.  You just have to write your search code yourself.

That page is a good summary of many 'gotchas' for using those using SQLite for 
the first time.  As long as they don't take it too seriously.


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