On Jun 14, 2015 9:43 AM, "Stephen Chrzanowski" <pontiac76 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Most of that looks to be more like common sense things rather than SQLite
> specific, so why they're calling out SQLite, I've no idea.  Also, this doc
> was last modified more than a year ago.  Stuff has changed both within FF
> as well as SQlite since then.

They call out SQLite because that is the engine they embed in their
infrastructure. They aren't worried about people in their code base trying
to use MySQL, PgSQL, SQL Server, or Oracle. They're worried about their
developers using SQLite when some other format would be more appropriate
for some fuzzy value of "appropriate".

One shouldn't use a hammer on screws or a screwdriver on nails. Use the
right tool for the job. Sometimes FILE* based functionality is the right
tool. Sometimes not. It all comes down to the fuzzy concept of appropriate.

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