On 3/2/15, Jan Asselman <jan.asselman at iba-benelux.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I created the following table in sqlite 3.8.6
> (
> d  BLOB,
> );"
> When I execute the following query
> "SELECT * FROM test WHERE b < ? AND c > ?;"
> A full table scan is executed because column a is not part of the query.
> But when I step over the rows they are not returned in primary key sort
> order. Why is this?

The PRIMARY KEY is really just a UNIQUE constraint unless (1) it
refers to a single column of type INTEGER or (2) the table is a

Simplest solution for you seems to be to add the keywords "WITHOUT
ROWID" after the ")" and before the ";".

> If I look at the images at the query planning document
> (https://www.sqlite.org/queryplanner.html) I get the idea that the primary
> key B-tree should be used to traverse the table when a full table scan is
> executed. And since the 'DESC' keyword is used on column b in the primary
> key, I would expect that, as the rowId increases, the values retuned for
> column b would decrease. But this is not the case.
> Does a full table scan then ignore the PK B-tree? Does it perhaps scan all
> table pages in the order in which they appear in the file system? I guess
> this would make sense to increase traversal speed, since it needs to check
> all pages anyway?
> If I explicitly order using an 'ORDER BY' statement then - looking at the
> query plan - sqlite seems to perform a full table scan and store the result
> in a temporary table which is then sorted. I'd like to avoid the memory
> consumption produced by this query plan...
> Any help or information would be appreciated!
> Thanks in advance!
> Jan Asselman
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