On 3/3/2015 6:59 PM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
> At 11:27 03/03/2015, you wrote:
> ????
>> - the full table scan returns rows in rowID order, which is the order 
>> in which the rows were added to the table
> `---
> No and no.
> An SQL engine doesn't guarantee any row "order" unless you explicitely 
> force an ORDER BY clause. Think of row order as random, where rowid 
> order is just a possibility among zillions others. Of course neither 
> SQLite nor other engines willingly use random() to foil your 
> expectations but you should never rely on such an implementation detail.
> Also rowids are technically independant of insertion order: you may 
> feed any valid random literal rowids at insert time.

If it wasn't a performance issue, I wish that SQLite would sometimes 
actually return values that are not in the order of insertion or by 
rowid just so that people would learn this lesson earlier :)

For sure, it took me a while... actually, till I read a book about SQlite.


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