Hi Dr. Hipp,
On 3 May 2015 at 11:18, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:
> Any input you can provide is appreciated!

Congratulations to you and your team on SQLite's achievement and I
wish you continued success.

"Most Widely Deployed And Used Database Engine"

I don't think the A in and needs capitalization.

I like the list but consider having the two 'most's follow one another.
Simon's input is also good. Sqlite is a database engine so group like things!
Maybe even 'Every Apple product', if Sqlite is actually in all their products.

"SQLite is perhaps one of the top five most deployed software modules
of any description. It might even be the number one."

My suggestion:
SQLite is perhaps one of the top five most deployed software modules
of any description, it may even be the number one.

Also your links referencing the others are broken. I don't know if
that's because it's in a draft state/stage or if it's linking

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