No... Skype doesn't come with ALL versions of Win 7 or later.  I've
purchased three copies of 8.1 since Dec and none of them come with Skype.
Two Notebooks with the OS installed as well as an OEM I've downloaded from

I'm not saying that MSoft doesn't have an application or two that uses
SQLite, but, Skype absolutely does NOT come with all copies of 7+.

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 5:26 PM, R.Smith <rsmith at> wrote:

> On 2015-05-03 08:18 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> SQLite is not in default Windows installations (historically - that is
>> about to change with Windows 10 which uses SQLite as a core OS
>> component) but many Windows desktops will include secondary software
>> such as Firefox or Chrome or iTunes or Skype or Dropbox or something
>> else that contains SQLite.//... snip
> Actually, ALL Windows installations since 7 comes with SKYPE as default
> which uses SQLite extensively.  I know this having made add-ons for skype.
> (I think however in Win 7 you could still remove it if you wanted to).
> If anyone is interested, simply go to your
> \Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Skype\ folder and find "main.db" in there
> in your favourite SQLite tool. Open it in read-only mode if skype is
> running. Encryption is only for sensitive data, so you could poke around
> your normal call/message data for fun - quite interesting.
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